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hukum ilmiah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "hukum ilmiah"
  • hukum:    decree; lave; law; laws; penalize; illegal;
  • ilmiah:    scholarly; scientific; academic; scholarship;
  • ilmiah:    scholarly; scientific; academic; scholarship; skilled; knowing; science; lettered; knowledgeable; erudite; well-educated; educated; well-read; learned; knowledge; expert
  • hukum:    decree; lave; law; laws; penalize; illegal; justice; legal; torah; pentateuch; doom; penalty; order; dogma; law of nature; discipline; tenet; penalise; customs; sentence; revenge; punish; verdict; s
  • hukum as:    law of the united states
  • disiplin ilmiah:    academic discipline
  • ekspedisi ilmiah:    scientific expeditions
  • fiksi ilmiah:    science fiction; scientifiction; sci-fi
  • jurnal ilmiah:    scientific journals; scientific journal
  • karya ilmiah:    erudition
  • kesombongan ilmiah:    pedantry
  • klasifikasi ilmiah:    scientific classification
  • komunikasi ilmiah:    scientific communication
  • komunitas ilmiah:    scientific community
  • konsensus ilmiah:    scientific consensus
  • To which I know what you're going to say, Scully, you're going to say, "But, Mulder, it defies every known law of science and nature."
    Yang mana aku tahu, Scully, kamu akan berkata, "Tapi, Mulder, itu berarti melanggar hukum ilmiah dan alam."
  • Still other scholars, most notably the American sociologist Donald Black, developed a resolutely scientific theory of law on the basis of a paradigm of pure sociology.
    Pengkaji lainnya, terutama sosiolog Amerika Donald Black, mengembangkan teori hukum ilmiah yang tegas berdasarkan paradigma sosiologi murni.
  • Reichenbach died in Los Angeles on April 9, 1953, while working on problems in the philosophy of time and on the nature of scientific laws.
    Reichenbach meninggal di Los Angeles pada tanggal 9 April 1953, ketika sedang pada masalah dalam filsafat dan pada sifat hukum ilmiah.
  • While they can be undoubtedly useful to analyze the markets, it’s important to remember that they aren’t based on any scientific principles or laws. They instead convey and visualize the buying and selling forces that ultimately drive the markets.
    Meskipun pola-pola ini dapat berguna untuk menganalisis pasar, penting untuk diingat bahwa semuanya tidak didasarkan pada prinsip atau hukum ilmiah apa pun. Sebaliknyanya, pola-pola ini menyampaikan dan memvisualisasikan kekuatan pembelian dan penjualan yang pada akhirnya mendorong pasar.
  • The scientific laws that operate one's thoughts, feelings, judgements and sensations become clear. Through direct experience, the nature of how one grows or regresses, how one produces suffering or frees oneself from suffering is understood. Life becomes characterized by increased awareness, non-delusion, self-control and peace.
    Hukum ilmiah yang mengatur pikiran, perasaan mental dan perasaan tubuh seseorang menjadi jelas. Dengan pengalaman langsung, sifat bagaimana seseorang berkembang atau mengalami kemunduran, bagaimana seseorang membuat penderitaan atau membebaskan dirinya dari penderitaan, menjadi dipahami. Menjadikan hidup mempunyai karakter kesadaran yang meningkat, tanpa khayalan, pengendalian diri, serta kedamaian.